Saturday, November 3, 2007

Brewers in the Suth Gild Heall Area

Unite and take action. Have a spot to record and be proud of your brews.

See if it works and to see it people are interestd in sharing


Furious Ennui said...

Evening, folks.

I know I have been lax in my brewing efforts of late. Most have consisted of augmented kit beers and ciders, but there is a plum wine aging ncely, and plans for the coming months. One of the things I am looking forward to doing is making scrumpy when we start to get groundfall apples. Does anyone have a woodchipper they're not using? ;)

Jac said...

Scrumpy, you say? The wild apples are coming down around my area. Is it okay to make scrumpy out of apples with codling moth infestation? Given your reference to the wood chipper, I suspect coddling moth inclusion would be described as "added protein" or "extra body".